Why are there demons that haunt us?
I hate them. God's love is too powerful to let these things control our lives. Maybe there are voices in your head telling you that you might be happy if you went to this party or hung out with a certain group of people. That's not happiness. That will never fulfill you. I can confidently tell you that right now.
That will never fulfill you.
We continue to chase after these worldly things that we make idols, and they will never make us, our definition of "happy." Like Jefferson Bethke said in his spoken Word video (link posted at the beginning of this post) "Idols take but they never give." It's funny though isn't it? We think we know what's best for us. I'm in a stage in my life where I am surrounded by young adults in their 20's who think they run their lives. #lolz We walk around like we are in complete control and often forget our Maker who actually runs this show.
There is no such thing as chance or accident. God controls everything around us. Every little thing that makes up our lives is strategically planned. And what do we do? We think we are the shot callers. Wrong.

It's been frustrating me lately, as I have seen it in myself and the people around me. By choosing to invest our time and energy into things of this world, are we sending a message to God that He isn't good enough. That breaks my heart. I would never want Him to have that feeling or be treated that way, yet I continue to live my comfortable life the way that I want to. I often resist His intentions because I think my way is better. Don't we all do this?
Luke 12:34 says, "For where your treasure is there your heart will be also." 1 John 2:15 says, "Do not love the world or the things in the world, if anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in Him." We can assume that Jesus is asking us to give up our treasures so that we can follow Him. Personally, this is one of my biggest struggles. It's hard not to get caught up in our possessions and the things of the world, but the fact of the matter is: the only thing we need in this life is our Father.
So what do we do? We make choices. We start small. God knows our hearts and He knows our intentions. We're not going to Hell if we go to a party we probably shouldn't have or watch a Kardashians marathon and obsess over Kendall Jenner. I am so guilty of this, I invest my energy into the things of this world when I know the only thing that will satisfy my soul is Christ. We must acknowledge that we are investing our time in worldly things, rather than trusting that Gods love will always be enough. I am in constant conversation with Him about the decisions I am making, whether they be good or not so good. Although I know I constantly choose other things over Him, I acknowledge my actions and ask for His forgiveness. This isn't to be taken lightly, however. His forgiveness is always there, but not to be taken for granted. Yes, He will always forgive us and love us no matter what, but that doesn't give us the right to take advantage of His unfailing love.
Here's my wish for us. Do something radically different with our lives. This life is beautiful and we get so caught up in the here and now that we often forget Who gave us this freedom to begin with. Acknowledge the love Christ has for you, daily, and little by little my hope is that we start to find our happiness in Him and not of these worldly things.
Trust Him,
I hate them. God's love is too powerful to let these things control our lives. Maybe there are voices in your head telling you that you might be happy if you went to this party or hung out with a certain group of people. That's not happiness. That will never fulfill you. I can confidently tell you that right now.
That will never fulfill you.
We continue to chase after these worldly things that we make idols, and they will never make us, our definition of "happy." Like Jefferson Bethke said in his spoken Word video (link posted at the beginning of this post) "Idols take but they never give." It's funny though isn't it? We think we know what's best for us. I'm in a stage in my life where I am surrounded by young adults in their 20's who think they run their lives. #lolz We walk around like we are in complete control and often forget our Maker who actually runs this show.
There is no such thing as chance or accident. God controls everything around us. Every little thing that makes up our lives is strategically planned. And what do we do? We think we are the shot callers. Wrong.

It's been frustrating me lately, as I have seen it in myself and the people around me. By choosing to invest our time and energy into things of this world, are we sending a message to God that He isn't good enough. That breaks my heart. I would never want Him to have that feeling or be treated that way, yet I continue to live my comfortable life the way that I want to. I often resist His intentions because I think my way is better. Don't we all do this?
Luke 12:34 says, "For where your treasure is there your heart will be also." 1 John 2:15 says, "Do not love the world or the things in the world, if anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in Him." We can assume that Jesus is asking us to give up our treasures so that we can follow Him. Personally, this is one of my biggest struggles. It's hard not to get caught up in our possessions and the things of the world, but the fact of the matter is: the only thing we need in this life is our Father.
So what do we do? We make choices. We start small. God knows our hearts and He knows our intentions. We're not going to Hell if we go to a party we probably shouldn't have or watch a Kardashians marathon and obsess over Kendall Jenner. I am so guilty of this, I invest my energy into the things of this world when I know the only thing that will satisfy my soul is Christ. We must acknowledge that we are investing our time in worldly things, rather than trusting that Gods love will always be enough. I am in constant conversation with Him about the decisions I am making, whether they be good or not so good. Although I know I constantly choose other things over Him, I acknowledge my actions and ask for His forgiveness. This isn't to be taken lightly, however. His forgiveness is always there, but not to be taken for granted. Yes, He will always forgive us and love us no matter what, but that doesn't give us the right to take advantage of His unfailing love.
Here's my wish for us. Do something radically different with our lives. This life is beautiful and we get so caught up in the here and now that we often forget Who gave us this freedom to begin with. Acknowledge the love Christ has for you, daily, and little by little my hope is that we start to find our happiness in Him and not of these worldly things.
Trust Him,
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